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4.3 ( 7643 ratings )
Nyheter Böcker
Utvecklare: 北京雅昌文化发展有限公司(beijing artron culture development Co.,Ltd)

《中国美术》杂志为双月刊,是经国家新闻出版总署批复,由中国出版集团主管,中国美术出版总社(人民美术出版社)主办,全国26 家专业美术出版社联合协办的大型专业美术期刊。《中国美术》强调学术性、专业性、权威性,以弘扬真善美为己任,其办刊宗旨为:坚持正确的出版导向,弘扬优秀传统文化,充分反映当代中国美术发展的整体面貌和时代精神;重点展示优秀美术作品和美术史论研究成果,为院校、艺术机构及艺术家搭建高端学术交流平台,为广大读者奉献一份内容丰富、设计鲜活、印刷精美的国家级美术刊物。

Art in china is a professional art journal which is approved by General Administration of Press and Publication of the P.R.C, with China Publishing Group being its administrative unit. China Fine Arts Publishing Group and People’s Fine Arts Publishing House sponsor the journal.26 Fine Arts Press all over China are co-organizer. The journal emphasizes that the contents must be academic, professional and authoritative. Its aims can be generalized as 2 points: one is adhering to the correct orientation of the publication, carrying forward the fine traditional culture, fully reflecting the overall look of contemporary Chinese art and spirit of the times; the other is displaying outstanding art works and research achievements of art history, building a platform for academic communication needed by universities, colleges, art institutions and artists, offering a national-level art journal with rich content, vivid design and fine print for the majority of readers.